Daily log 12-31-2010

I can't help but try to be a hero. Do I think I'll achieve? Hell no. Is it even possible that I achieve? Probably not. Being a hero is like being good at everything; it just happens. The hardest part about the situations is, I don't want to be heroic.... I just do things without meaning to. Well, that sucks. Is it too much to ask for the low light. Lol, I blame this on you society. With your over- exagerated recounts of famous people, and your ability to under appreciate the under dog. You shall never take me alive!!

In the words of something I heard somewhere... Now that I think of it, I believe it's in the theme for the show "The life and times of Tim". It says, "No matter how I struggle and try, I'll never make it out of this world alive." So, so true. Also, like I personally say, "Life is like a pretty girl, all you have to do is grab it by the tits and go with it." (Men, don't try that at home)..(or school)....(or anywhere. Rape is a serious matter.) Anyhow, You can get whatever you want, not by applying yourself, but by out smarting nature and everyone else. It's about being smart.

In conclusion!! Don't be afraid to take the low road and cheat others out of what is fairly thier's. As long as it's used for the bettering of your own personal life..do it. Don't let the psuedo glory of good will bog you down. However, keep in mind this is all in reference to the small things like cheating on test, and races, or sports competitions, contest. Nothing like stealing or killing or sex. All bad bad bad. We are the sneaky not the convictable. So live well, not weakish.

*This has been a segment from the memiors of a super villian. Coming soon.
December 31st, 2010 at 07:46am