epic failure =(

so who knows the computer game ZUMA? well I definitely know the game. I've been trying to get to level 9 for exactly seven months and tonight I finally made it! starting from level 1. XD yay right? wrong! after seven months of thinking that if I can just make it to level 9 I will have beat the game I finally get there and what do I discover!? the damn game has not just one epic level to get through to win but levels 10, 11, and 12! if there are more than 12 levels in this freaking game I'm going to scream! >.< here I was all excited about getting to level 9 and I'm not even finished. og and let's not forget the little fact that I only have 3 LIVES left and if I lose them the whole game starts over! that is my epic failure of the month.

but on the flip side my birthday was three days ago, 29 December or Wednesday, and I turned 18! I'm officially a legal ADULT! YAY! but because we had a family tragedy on my birthday my mom is letting me go out and officially celebrate in January. to say I can't wait is an understatement. also on the good side my family felt bad so I recieved collectively $150, can you say new shoes!? then my mom gave me two pairs of the shoes that I had been eyeing in the store, so that knocks my grand total of shoes to...42! and I only have to purchase 8 of the shoes I wanted now. YIPEE! I love shoes! so I'm glad my Christmas and Birthday went well so hopefully because they were great my New Year's, which is officially tonight is awesome. can't wait to welcome in year 2k11 because that means I graduate soon! okay I'm starting to ramble so buenos noches/ buenos dias amigos!
December 31st, 2010 at 09:47am