Day 08. Three Turn Ons

Ahaha, this is going to be easy.
I have simple wants in a guy.
I'm not unrealistic.
I want a guy who was flaws because "prince charming" isn't really all that great, is it?
I mean, I think that I'd just feel inferior next to a "prince charming."
No girl's perfect so no guy should be wither.

1. It's all in the smile. I love seeing smiles because it defines a person when you first meet them. It could be bad boy smile or smirk, a kind smile, a funny smile, or an awkward smile. Seeing a smile just makes you want to smile back. It's really great. XD

2. A sense of humor. I love funny people. Guys that can make me laugh are a big "thumbs up" for me. It doesn't even have to be a laugh. Anyone who can make me smile genuinely is great. :3

3. The last one would have to be his interests. I don't know about you but I really like guys who do stuff. I don't care if it's to play a sport or to study in the library like a cute little nerd, it's just a thing that turns me on. XD
I like seeing that we have things in common like we both play sports or we both like to read and write. I love knowing a guys interests because it makes me happy when I actually get to know a person... I'm the type of girl who wouldn't really take interest in some random guy. I feel like I need to know the person better before I take the initiative, ya know?

ahahaha, okay so now that I'm finished with my "turn ons," then how about you tell me about yours?

What turns you on about a guy/girl?
December 31st, 2010 at 03:09pm