as the clock hits midnight

As the clocks hits midnight the cannons will sound.
this means a year is over and another is coming around,
the towns will lightend with the fireworks in the sky,
while we all sing auld lang syne,
we will all hug with pepole we dont know and wish them a happy new year through and through,

i love the tradition of the song,
when i was littel we used to sing along to my uncal on the peano and me on the violin,
we ued to sing to the night went in
im glad for thoughs memory that i have sheared,
for now it a time where pepole care
just think with in blink will be doing this again
but then it will be 2012 not not 2010
so lets just save it till then,
so for now i wish you a happy new year
and i hope you celabrate with a cheer

happy new year folks hope it is the best one you ever had!
December 31st, 2010 at 09:48pm