The Importance of Professionalism

This topic came to mind about an hour ago and it made me realize how lax some people are. This particularly came in mind when it comes to websites, whether it's a free resource/layout site or small business. I see it happen a lot these days and it got on my nerves a bit.

First there's instances where you come across a nice site and find it very charming, and you go to their content/product page to see more of their work. There you see examples of what you can obtain that are of much lower quality than what you saw when you entered the website. Why bother creating that amazing homepage if what you offer is junk?

And if I see language like "steal and I'll rip your #@&*1$! head off" then I'll guarantee that I won't use or get your work. I feel it's a waste of time to support someone of whom threatens their customers.

The instances where you go to the content page and there's terms of use rules listed do not bother me. What annoys me is when you must read through them extremely carefully to the point where you want to rip your eyes out to find where to click to continue, simply because the "accept" link takes you to an insulting decline page. I find it very unneeded. If you have rules to read, fine. But don't make it a puzzle to figure out. If the person wasn't smart enough to take the time to read your rules and they break them that's their own fault.

Sorry guys, I needed a miniature rant. Things tend to bug me quite a lot these days it seems...
January 2nd, 2011 at 12:57am