It's all in the numbers, I swear.

So, Emily, if you finally stumbled upon this... which I don't think is completely necessary to the 'game', then congratulations. Incase I had to show you how you could have found this... listen close.
-The case numbers on both of the homicide reports gave you the numbers (in order).
-The code at the bottom of the 2009 note read journal.
-The PS at the bottom of the 1966 note mentioned my favorite site, AKA Mibba.
-Plus, the whole 'tell me what your best friend knows', if you asked I would have sent you here, and Jordan knew the killer too, I texted her about it. Along with that, it was signed WJ (wonky jaw.)
-There might be more little subliminal messages that I shoved in there after I posted this journal. The truth is, I needed the link numbers before I printed everything and I need to print those now.

If you found this before you found out who the killer was, here's a list of things that I consider the leading clues.
1) the small glass ball that both of the victims were beat with, it was missing from the evidence was it not? That tells you something, right? The killer worked with law enforcement and had connections back in '66 and in '09.
2) another hint, in case the first didn't give it away. The coded note was written to the murderer's daughter, and though it may seem as if it is the victim's father as well, think harder for the hidden message. I think it's pretty transparent.
3) the field reports were written by Richard Rodriguez and Rachel Rodriguez. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Inside Job, Dearest Daughter, Relative Reports?
Richard Rodriguez is your killer.

Have fun?
January 2nd, 2011 at 04:24am