Slippery as a Slytherin

Lol i thought the title was cool.

So tonight was a blast! I havent had so much fun with my friends in a LONG time :D we went and saw Tron in 3D!!!! OMG EPIC. Then we went to friendlys and had fun with that.

So currently im working on Chapter 2 of the story im co-writing with slytherinchicks123. Who knew writing Harry Potter fanfiction was so hard! lol this will be my first attempt at this so when its posted please take kindly to me O:)

I guess you could say life is going good again in my world. But hey dont we all just wish we could Apparate to Hogwarts and get away from it all? XD Im turning into more of a HP addict every day! lol

thats all for now!

Happy New Year everyone!

Wishmaster <3 <3 <3
January 2nd, 2011 at 06:25am