I Really Miss You And I Can't Tell You<3

So I'm almost in tears. The guy I have known since sixth grade I don't talk to anymore. He is a jerk and we use to like each other soooo much. It is hard to see him every day because I mean he will still talk to me but you can tell it isn't the same. I'm torn up about it and there is absolutely nothing I can do. Sure I could text him but it hurts more to know he won't text back. It isn't the same so awkwardly talking at lunch is hard. I can't just come out and tell him I miss him. It would be to.... weird. So we both just act like we know each other. But don't actually talk. It is the worst feeling I have ever had. And if crying helps, I guess I will cry. I want to tell him I miss him but I know he will ignore it. So I'm stuck and I hate it so much that I feel sick. I just miss him:/
January 2nd, 2011 at 08:18am