Hi all i need to make some money for my horse riding club, it is in desperate need of some new stables because lets say it there falling apart, and an indoor Ariana would be nice well we have one but it leeks, i need at least £5000 before we get shut down i have all Redy got £500 but it will only just by us a wall we would like to make it more of a safe place for Young children to learn i have got some local builders Ferm to build it for us for free but all we need is materials, i have ran out of ideas on how to fund raise hear are some we have done and planing on doing this month!
*car wash
*bake sale
*sponsored cross country hack
*a horse show
*a run
*my band are putting on a concert in aide of this and all the money from tickets will be going to that,
*we went Christmas caroling

i know there not the inventive this is where you come in we would like you people of mibba to help us think of original ideas on how to fundraiser for our issues! please help me and my horse riding club we want to stay open for a while yet!
January 2nd, 2011 at 02:23pm