Dear Katie, aged 13.

Dear Katie,

It's me. Or you, whatever you like kid.
I've somehow discovered the secret to sending mail to the past. We shall be famous forever.
So, I'm you, but I'm 16 (rounding up there child, I'll hit the big one six in about 18 days. ><)

The thing is, I want to tell you so many things, but half of them could change the person we turn out to be, and despite alot of the stuff that's going on, you're pretty cool. I think so anyway.

So, depending on what part of the year you get this in, you'll have met the people that you will love forever. Emzy as she is then known (boy does she change). Becka who's a year younger than you think. And lastly, Emily/Freddie. Boy will she fuck you up. I mean majorly. But you'll end up the better for it.

Some big things will happen to you over the next few years. A few moves, a few people who make you feel amazning and then crush you. Katie, I wont lie, you're still a virgin (though I maintain you're happy with it), you've never been kissed, and to top it off, you a "lesbian with bisexual tendancies". You're also not really a drinker. But you know you would, except nobody ever has vodka.... FOILED.

Over the next few years you wont grow, you'll become obsessed with your bad genes (you got messed up ears kid, but you hav nice hands), and you'll gain weight and have no idea how to get rid of it.

Dont get too worried about school, you're a brain and a half. Without openeing a book, you get all passes in the JC, including Maffs and Irish, (you get B's *happy dance*)

You're going to want to shave your head. I say go for it. Dont let anyone, specifically Ben talk you out of it, because she will try. And you'll eventually get yer lip pierced, just remember to keep spare studs on ya, and dont play with it so bloody much.

Currently(my currently, not yours) you're obsessed with Green Day and MCR. You're crushing on Hollie Dowling, and Nemma fixes her hair alot.

Try be a good girl. Maybe eat a little less. Be who you want to be, and dont take shit from anybody. Oh, and around mid 2010, yer Canadians kinda regularise themselves. The second last week of the month bbz.

Anyway, I love you,
January 2nd, 2011 at 07:46pm