Procrastination & breaking toes.

I'm pretty sure a good amount of people are procrastinating today. If you're going back to school tomorrow I guess.

I have a short story to write, and honestly that shouldn't be hard to do, but I have no idea what I want to write about.

My creative writing teacher used to be my favorite teacher but we had 'conferences' the week before we went off for break and she really didn't give me back much feedback. She told me my writing topics where too vague and that my word choice didn't fit in with the topics and that pretty much made me feel a lot less confident about my writing. Especially because I'm gonna have to read my story out-load in class in front of a bunch of upperclassmen. Yeah not fun.

But enough about school, I don't want to have to deal with it until tomorrow.


So about... three days ago I broke my toe. Yeah wanna know how Mibba? I stubbed it into a door. Smooth move Emily, I know. I think I'm going to need to make up a different story to tell people tomorrow so I don't sound like a proper idiot for running into a door and breaking my toe.

But that about it for this irrelevant journal. I really miss being active on Mibba, I think I might come back fully. hahaha.

How is everyone? Any legit New Year resolutions anyone's doing?
January 2nd, 2011 at 10:55pm