I made a Tumblr.

Yeah, I finally got around to doing it, but mostly so I could follow people.

I like the pictures, and I can clip them to Polyvore, which is easier than searching Google for a good site I can clip things off of.

So, I don't really have very much to say in this journal at all, I just wanted to say that I made a Tumblr.

Speaking of which, follow me here

Yeah, click on the here, while I start on yet another story, though I only have three started now.

If you wouldn't mind now, I'm going to whore out the two that I have posted.

She's Done


And Hey Darling

Thank you.
For reading my pointless journal.
Hopefully you shall go follow my pointless Tumblr.
January 2nd, 2011 at 11:43pm