Accio Firebolt!

OMG i feel so accomplished right now!

So like ive said before im co-writing a Harry Potter story with my friend and i felt bad because ive NEVER done fanfiction before so everything i tried to write was crap!
but i just finished chapter 2 of our story and it was epic! lol im feeling a major sense of accomplishment right now! XD

but anyways, work sucked today. I saw HP 7 again lol. this makes the 3rd time and i STILL love that movie! I also heard they pushed back the release of part 2 to November 14th 2011. Anyone know if its true? id love to find out for sure. I sure hope not!

So this ends another installment of the incessant drabblings of Wismaster! :)

Until next time

WishMaster <3
January 3rd, 2011 at 08:46am