Ah, So this is what goes on:


Please get used to that greeting. Now, then... Lets get a couple of things straight, ok?

1. I am slowly placing my work here from Quizilla. I have other things that are going to be put here also... Please keep in mind that some of them are pure crack, done for the heck of it.

2. I am a procrastinator. Keep in mind this. It will lower the feeling of being let down.

3. I don't only write. I draw also. Might post drawings every once in a while in journals or at the end of a particular chapter. Don't know yet.

4. I am a left-handed swordsman. That's right, Keipon's real name is Link. Totally, bb's.

Getting out of here before she's torched by an angry mob...


I plan on updating tomorrow when I get home, so hopefully all my things will be here by the end of next week.
January 3rd, 2011 at 08:53am