My weight is my problem

I am Yvette and this is my journal. For the new years everyone makes a new years resolution. But I want to make sure that I keep the one until i reach my goal. I am not going to try any diet pills like my mother. I going to try different things. Stop eating for a day or two. Drink lemon juice. Exercise. I don't know what i will be doing. But what ever works, I'll keep doing. I will record everything every day.

Day one,
Weight: 178
Goal: 120

I am about to go exercise for three hours and take a shower, go to sleep for four hours then go to school. I haven't decide if i am not going to eat tomorrow. I might just cut my eating down to one meal. I drank a cup of lemon juice mixed with water. I am scared. My mother always called me fat. Yelled at me for it. I never really saw myself as fat until recently. My family has always had a problem with their weight. My grandma said I was the skinny one out of us. then my sister was born. she almost six feet and her weight is almost one hundred pounds. That when I was started to get called fat. By my own family.
January 4th, 2011 at 05:02am