& Then depression set in

Recently, just now actually I've come up with the conclusion that I need to start a 'day-to-day' type journal. I need to stick to it, and make sure to update everyday. It's extremely hard for me to keep up with a normal diary - but this I'm willing to try.

I haven't been on here to write in years, and a month ago my boyfriend broke up with me. Ever since then I've felt I need to talk about life. To someone but no one at the same time. And a few moments ago, while i was heating up pizza, I realized that I could hide here, where as on my tumblr the wrong people would be able to read my thoughts. So while I was cooking the pizza, I thought 'hey I'll to a daily life of me sort of thing" how I'm doing and what not ever since that last day in November.

So even though, I'm a month late - I'll catch everyone up in my first entry. Enjoy my recovery.
January 4th, 2011 at 09:36am