Broken. Something that recently happened to me in a dream.

There I stood, heart-broken, finally realizing what he wanted. I ran, and ran, until I made it home. I shut and locked my door in fear someone would see me crying.
My mom was the first to bother me, which I figured. I couldn't stand hearing her "I told you so" speech so again I ran, out of the house and through the gate, but being mature enough to close it back so the dog wouldn't escape.
I ran down the street until I came to the park. I made my way to the swing-set walking in mud from the rain. My Grandfather came to me and gave me the comfort I needed and wouldn't get from anyone else.
The sky was light and dark gray, the ground wet and muddy, the air damp and cold. I sat on that swing for hours and hours crying. I knew all along what he wanted, but tried to believe that maybe he was different, but no, everyone's the same, they want the same things, just some lead you to believe they are different when they aren't . Like him.
I had asked my mom to change myself so I wouldn't have to feel this heartbreak, but here I am feeling it.
January 4th, 2011 at 11:55pm