Over and Over Again

Wow thank goodness I have another week off of school..but sadly I have nothing to do :( I get up, go to practice, come home, eat lunch, shower, watch tv, then come on mibba.

What a sad life.

Oh and by the way, in case you read my previous journal entry, I don't like my best friend that way anymore....for now. It usually comes up and goes away every once in a while throughout the years but that time I legitimately liked him. Like, my feelings were definitely stronger than they usually were. Buuut that's done with.

Ugh I can't wait for college.

I hate dealing with immature girls on my team and in my school who think one little action or one little comment is the end of the world. Really, just because a girl fouls you in practice (basketball practice..btw) on accident because she's working hard means that she hates your guts and is trying to ruin your life.

Yup. That's it.

And then the girls continue to talk back, like, they won't take criticism or help. Just do what i tell them once incorrectly, then argue "i told you that wouldn't work!" even though they only tried it once! Needless to say, by the end of today's practice I was done with people.

That happens to me a lot. Once I get extremely annoyed or stressed I just stop wanting to deal with other people. I'll stop texting, stop talking very much, just go on the computer or in my room and deal with whatever I need to at the time. If it's really bad, I vent to someone (like what i'm doing here) but that's a different story.

Why can't girls just...not be so freakin touchy and immature?
January 5th, 2011 at 12:22am