People and There Darn Grumpy Moods.

Wow I havent posted anything up in a while but no worries gonna be on this non stop now ^_^ Be sure to check my book after this cause i really need feed back thanks mucho mucho.

Ever had someone just bring down your mood? You feeling all good and mighty and suddenly someone just strikes you with a bolt of lighting of there own probs. Then your like, "You really just killed my mood -__-." So you in a grumpy mood or something happened that really pissed you off and you just wanna stay home under a rock, hey thats fine. Everyone has those days. But why take it out on others? If you dont want to be bothered by someone just say "hey look, todays not a really good day for me. I need some space." Thats it! Or put a brown paper bag over your head and write back off! not in the mood. sheesh better then shooting bullets out at someone Grumpy.
I know i do it to and Im currently working on taking my own advice but come on, does anyone agree?

I remember once I was on the bus and as i got in i noticed the angry look on the driver. Before even using my metro he just sped up the bus leaving me to hang for my dear life. So i stood near the front, and at the front view mirror i could see the driver mumbling myself. He speeds by the bus stop and has to stop at a red light. At that moment someone who missed the bus knocks on the door. The driver looks over and opens the door saying "Do you not see where im at!? huh!? Not supposed to let you on!" The guy trying to get in says, "well why did you open the door? The driver responses with an even louder voice, "i was doing you a favor!" "You dont have to do me favors with that kinda of attitude," says the person heading to the back of the bus. The driver swears under his breath and keeps going with the bus.

Now i know you people can see what was wrong in that situation. Rude much!?! Geez. The driver really wanted to just take his anger out on someone. So he saw a chance and took it. Even though the person trying to get on the bus was wrong and could have just waited for the next bus, the driver simply could have shook his head and said no. People leave your bull crap at home and dont take it out on others. Never know what might happen.
January 5th, 2011 at 03:24am