
First of all, I'm honored to share with you a question that was asked of me not too long ago (yesterday).
Why is the non urban areas called rural? (Say rural, you don't have to move you're lips!)
Of course I answered because it sounds like the hick area that we live in (if you don't move you're lips it sounds like a gutteral "Rurrulle" ( like i said you have to say it)

Then the questioner proceeded to ask: Why don't they just call it unurban? That way they could just say urban, suburban, unurban. ( hahaha if you say it fast.)

That my friends is a question that I cannot answer. But I felt that I should share some geography jokes with you, however don't expect many more, I'm not a fan of anything social science related.

The other question I have is about a chocolate comercial. In my Candyland story (still under construction) I make a reference to the Cadbury Rabbit that laid the chocolate eggs, you know the one that Bahlcked like a chicken (once again my spelling fails me and I spelled phonetically). While I know this is a tad bit more my mother's time than mine, I definatley remember seeing these comercials during holiday season's up until very recently. Does anyone remember this rabbit or would this be a joke lost on most readers?

In light of the fact that I completely babbled most of this so far I would like to ask one last question. If you remeber any jokes about candies or Candyland that you find humorous and wouldn't mind me twisting into a crazy little plot line, could you send them to me? It would be wonderful and much appreciated!
January 6th, 2011 at 10:26pm