The Twilight thing....

As I'm sure you're aware of, Twilight has become quite a fad, while half the people absolutely despise Twilight, the other half love it. Honestly, I have mixed feelings on it.

First of all, I do agree with people that Twilight has flaws. First of all, the scene were Edward admits that he "followed" Bella by reading peoples mind, I find creepy. Maybe I'm alone on this, but I think that Edward comes off a bit stalkerish, in my opinion. You may claim that Edward loves Bella, and that may be true, but many many stalkers in the world state the same exact thing.

Bella, even though I'm sure many girls can relate to her, is a weak character. She never really helps out with a battle until the end of the series. Also, she always does the right thing. I've never once in the book ever seen her even think something selfish. As great as an example she is, (disregarding constantly trying to seduce Edward), she is a pretty good example.

And another thing. Sparkles? I'm sorry, but I can hardly take any guy seriously if it looks like he was drenched with glitter powder or something.

But I also see some good things in it. First off, I hear everyone criticizing Stephanie Meyer's work. I have to admit, I really haven't noticed anything, but then again, I'm sixteen. I really haven't had that much experience with writing yet. And second of all, that was the first time she hadn't even written a short story, let alone a novel. Considering how much prior writing experience she had, that being none, you have to hand it to her.

I think people are interested in the story so much isn't particularly because of how great the grammar is, but the plot, which is interesting. I've heard many people say that Stephenie Meyer is more of a story teller than a writer, and I think it's true.

Over all though, I think that over the years that Stephanie Meyer's work will grow and improve.
January 7th, 2011 at 10:10pm