
I have... Writer's block for Keizoku wa chikara nari now.

I don't know how it happened, but it happened. It's written out as far as from scene to scene, but I can't find a good way to start it off, I guess.

How is everyone this fine day..? Good? I hope so.

I have something like five more oneshots to do until I'm out of debt. Anyone wanna do a oneshot for me? NO? Didn't think so. I'm going to have to beg someone for one one of these days.

The catch is that... It can't be mushy. I'll make a character for it... And....

The band/guy in it will be a total surprise. :3

Maybe the very first Golden Bomber one shot?! ufufufufu...

PSSST~ Don't forget, Kei lives on one shots. and smut. Lots of it. Make some recommendations, maybe~?

ja ne~ mata ashita~

pissed because mibba doesn't allow full-width characters in journal entries...

January 8th, 2011 at 01:20am