Upcoming Stories and Other Life Things

I always seem to get off topic, so I'll try not to, haha. I'll start with the topic is stories... I have quite a few ideas. I have one idea that I want to end up turning it into a oneshot, but I still haven't really figured out what I want to be IN the story. I just have the basic idea. And as I said, I have a ton of ideas swirling around my head. Hopefully I'll have a story up soon, it depends on my schedule and homework (lately they have been giving us too much).

I took a nap, and I realized I shouldn't take naps. I'm no longer tired, but I think it's Saturday. I woke up to my friend Cam texting me. He texts me "Yo soy" or the pants on the ground song all the time. Oh Cam, how I love you. I also bathed the cat today. Lack of a better word... SHE HATED IT. I swear if she had front claws I'd have more scratches than this one on my hand. She got out three times. A wet, smelly cat got out of the tub and I, in my KISS shirt I got for Christmas, had to pick up this wet, smelly cat and put her back in the tub. I did, in fact, bathe her though. It took about forty-five minutes, and the dog only takes between twenty and thirty minutes. Ha.

Apparently I've had one outburst too many because my mommy wants to talk to me about going to counseling. But I cannot stand my father anymore. I'm not going into details, let me just say he is on my last nerve. No, no. Not even nerve. He's past that.

I go to California in February. Some town near San Diego... I don't know. My grandpa lives there. He's excited, he's painting and fixing rooms, buying tickets to places, and he bought a Suburban. Yes, you heard me right. He bought a SUBURBAN. For those who don't know, a Suburban is a Chevy SUV that cost over $40,000. Did I mention we're only there for a week? We'll be going to Universal Studios, The San Diego Zoo, Sea World... And probably a ton more places. The thing I'm dreading is the plane. I'm flying out of Logan, and I have to go through this creepy new security system. And then it's an eight hour flight. Eight hour flights and I do not mix. At all. Plus we're leaving early in the morning... 4am? I'm not quite sure. I'm excited.

I think I am going to go, as my attention span is no longer on this journal, but on pizza and the music Cam is making me listen to. So, as I said, hopefully I will have a story soon.
January 8th, 2011 at 03:06am