What is truly cannon?



I was wondering the other day about Vampires. So, it got me thinking and I found this little article on Wikipedia. It is highly cited and has a lot information attached to it. I am going to quote a few things and let you the members of Mibba draw your own conclusions and opinions.

"Though folkloric vampires were believed to be more active at night, they were not generally considered vulnerable to sunlight." - Quoted from under 'Protection' in the article.

"**The vampire or reverent first appeared in poems such as The Vampire (1748) by Heinrich August Ossenfelder..." - Quoted from under 'Literature' in the article.

**Bram is also mentioned here and this also under the Modern Fiction area of the article.

"Tales of supernatural beings consuming the blood or flesh of the living have been found in nearly every culture around the world for many centuries.[61] Today, we would associate these entities with vampires, but in ancient times, the term vampire did not exist; blood drinking and similar activities were attributed to demons or spirits who would eat flesh and drink blood; even the Devil was considered synonymous with the vampire." - Quoted from under 'Ancient beliefs' in the article.

"**Many theories for the origins of vampire beliefs have been offered as an explanation for the superstition, and sometimes mass hysteria, caused by vampires. Everything ranging from premature burial to the early ignorance of the body's decomposition cycle after death has been cited as the cause for the belief in vampires." - Quoted from under 'Origins of vampire beliefs' in the article.

**It also lists several types of belief systems and where they originated.

It is a very long article, but I thought I would only quote a few things here. Please understand I am no way saying people do not do their research. In fact, there is many out there I am sure that has. However, for the select few who do not, I hope this journal helps you in your further understanding of the subject and helps you grow to love vampires all the more.
January 8th, 2011 at 03:29am