What is love?

My older brother asked me if I ever fell in love. My answer was no, I've never been in-love, but I have loved. I think it's kinda stupid to be fall in love at this age. To fall in high school...
He then asked me what I though falling in love was like. I answered: I think falling in love is like standing on a ledge, falling one way you die, the other there's someone there to catch you. Like maybe you jump and their your parachute. 
Obviously he took that way out of context and was left with, falling in love is like jumping off a ledge to your death, and I guess he kinda got it.
I guess it's just taking that risk, knowing that the wind my blow you the wrong way but hoping you have your parachute. And that they don't push you off that ledge. 

This song perfectly discribes my brother and his girlfriend.
We drove cross country, from Michigan to California, so he could see his friends, when he met her.
3 DAYS, 3 Days, was all it took for him to fall for her.
Then they were inseparable.

Frankly, it's disgusting...
January 8th, 2011 at 03:45am