Ratings | Small Rant | Woo Hoo | Recc :D

Well my fellow Mibbians, I am calling upon your wonderful criticism :D

I have a new story, one that I am in love with. So I made a layout, it's just a simple one but I wanted to know what you guys thought? So here it is PING
So yeah :)

Other wise, I'm peeved. My Dad is all "Oh why are you getting these results for Tests? Your so clever, you should be getting much better marks" Way to boost my confidence Dad. Nice. So what I if I don't test well? It's not my fault that I spend 3 days revising only to look at a question and thing "Holy cr*p" But obviously I shouldn't be as dumb as my tests reflect. Whatever.

Woo Hoo!
Art class is getting more interesting! We've been drawing leaves for weeks and it was getting seriously depressing. But yeah. We've now moved onto sculpture, and with out sounding totally obnoxious, I'm doing pretty well. I mean I have sculpted my soap ( Yes we're sculpting soap. I know. ) into the proper shape and it's still smooth. Compared to others who have taken large chunks out of it.

Recc a story? I need a good read, anything goes :]

P.s ... Is there a slightly hyper/ happy vibe coming from this Journal? I re-read it and I don't know, it felt sort of weird.
January 9th, 2011 at 09:19pm