My New Years Epiphany

I loaded a video to YouTube a little less than a year ago, and I decided to watch it today - I still haven't set any real New Years Resolutions besides have fun and go all out, but while I was watching it, I saw how ridiculously happy I was there - not to say that I'm not happy now, but I think things felt more simple then.

It got me thinking though now as I look back on it, just a year ago life was more simple, but at the time there was so much drama going on, just as much as there is now - but what made it better was that I saw my friends more and we just walked around and had more fun.

I think we grew up a little, and not even in the good way.

So my new New Years Resolution is to get back to that happiness and to spend more time with friends and to make more videos that I can look back on and think, wow that was a great day.

January 10th, 2011 at 01:42am