I'm happy. I'm angered. I use 'I' too much. And breathe ...

After neglecting my mibba for too long, I've come to the conclusion that I should have an emotional vent; both good and bad.

I guess I should start with the tail end of 2010 which was rather good. It started terribly. Honestly, I had a horrible 6 months and I couldn't seem to find a silver lining to that cloud. But ...

I had the best holiday with my fam & the extendeds too, in France.
I got a job that involves minimal work and maximum money.
I found myself a rather awesome fella who was a friend to begin with (:
I saw Avenged Sevenfold live. No Rev, but still.
I passed my driving test after having one cancelled and then failing it.
I saw Paramore (on the same day as above)
I turned 18!
etc etc.

Okay I think that is my happy vent done. I am still very much in a good mood although I was ill before Christmas, recovered and then got ill again. The thing is though there are a few little things that are nigling me.

One of my 'friends' is greatly disliked by well ... all of our group. The world revolves around her. She slags about and brags about it. She always get drunk. She doesn't respect her friends. She always has to know everyone elses business but doesn't give a monkeys really. She just has to be included so she can make everything about her. The worst bit is it's been going on for a whole year and there is no change.

And then there's all this chat in the media about teens having 'depression.' They also say half of them dont know what it really is. They're just in a bad mood and they're right! I have friends who have/had depression. And when people go around in silly little moods claiming depression it angers me. I feel so helpless, trying to find some way to relate to and help my friends with it. These others are just attention seeking! People with depression don't want that attention!

Okay. I'm done. Feel free to add your opinion, tell me what was good about 2010 for you, vent with me. That is what these things are for.
Peace out (:
January 10th, 2011 at 10:13pm