The Westboro Baptist Church

All I need to do is spell out that hated name and a plethora of opinions fly out of the mouths of those nearby.

The fame-hungry WBC has been around for a long time, but recently they've been popping up in the news despicably often. They've graduated from protesting the funerals of slaughtered gays and soldiers and gone on to bigger and better things: dead cancer fighters like Elizabeth Edwards, and murdered 9-year-olds, like Christina Taylor Green.

Aren't the WBC just so fucking peachy?

Personally I think they're like real-life internet trolls, come to spout obnoxious opinions to rile people up. They crave attention; we give it to them, because we don't know how else to handle it. It's impossible to ignore them, they make it impossible.

Last year I was in a play called The Laramie Project, which was about how the town of Laramie, Wyoming reacted to the murder of Matthew Shepard. I played Romaine Patterson, Matthew's friend who orchestrated something called "angel actions", in which supporters of Matthew Shepard dressed up in enormous angel wings and blocked out the Westboro Baptist Church during Matt's funeral.

Wearing those wings was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

Now, over ten years later, angel action has returned, and people are dressing in wings to protect mourners of Christina Taylor Green from the Westboro Baptist Church's tirade of hatred.

Bless them.

Edit: on a lighter note, I have an audition today for which I am crazy prepared and ready to show off my awesome irish accent.
January 11th, 2011 at 05:39pm