I Am Naked

Okay, most of you who clicked on this did so out of pure perversion. I understand, I am also a pervert about eighty-seven percent of the time, but this is not about physical nudity. I am explaining my choice of username on a deeper level than physical nakedness.

When i chose this as my username, I did so, because it is comical but not solely for the amusement of my fellow Mibbianites. I chose this username, because it describes me on many levels outside of the physical realm. HelloI'mNaked is supposed to be symbolism for my emotional status.
First off, it describes me as not being fake. I'm naked to you, and i'm naked to myself. I am real. I don't flick shit around, I'm naked in the sense that what you see is what you get. I have nothing to hide, I'm naked.
Also, it describes my emotional well-being. My emotions are out for the world to see, and I don't feel that i'm covering them up or burying them under "clothes." HelloI'mNaked is supposed to be a comical way of expressing that i'm going to be completely true and honest with you and that my emotions are laid on the table for you to see and dissect.
I only felt the need to explain this, because i've gotten several not so nice comments about my username. For all the perverts out there, it's also supposed to be a joke. I mean who doesn't laugh at nudity? I know of someone, but that's for another time.

I am naked.
January 12th, 2011 at 05:08am