First Official Snow Day

So today is a good day I just woke up. and I have a SNOW DAY! But the sucky part is that exams were supposed to be today but its pushed to tomorrow. Then my last day of exams is tuesday! Actually that's not bad. Gives me an extra day to study. but I styayed up all night studying thinking school is today but to find out its not.

Anywho, has anyone seen the trailer for roommate? that new horror thriller movie? tell me what you think about it. When I first saw it on mtv, after the Skins commerical i saw roommate and honestly it looked really good. But usually all movies with kick ass commericals are usually horrible. But then you have those special few movies that end up being amazing! I'm wishing that this movie is worth it.
January 12th, 2011 at 06:53pm