Day Uno

This whole thing actually started out on the cover of my spiral notebook, and it just got to thinking about things, and I kind of want to fill up a notebook full of inspirational, fun, or dark things. This is the first piece, soo... Like it! :D

I'd like to say that there's no such thing as fear. That I've never seen it's death like figure or felt it's ice-cold hands upon my throat at night, but I have. Fear is a very real thing, and it's damn scary. I've seen the monster control my closest friends, and even myself. I've stared the monster in the face. Fear is... What is fear exactly? Is it a feeling, an emotion, or a real person? Fear is different to each and every one of us. My fear is not your fear. I've stood up, and looked frea in the face to save people I love.

Is it a sickness? Maybe. Possibly. The sweaty palms, the fast-paced heart, and the loud thump-thump thud of your heart pounding in your ears making it impossible to hear anything else. Yeah, I've been there. I've ran for my life. Fear is an awful, dreadful thing. But, my dears, you have to take a stand and keep your ground. You have to look Fear in the eyes and prove it wrong. Fight back, and win. What kind of a life is a fear-filled life? I'll tell you what kind of life it is... Not much of one.
January 12th, 2011 at 11:54pm