
ok so there are many issues in my life and i just need to unload so unto you, the un-expecting public of mibba i shall.

there is a guy named justin, he used to be my best friend until we had a falling out about a year ago. he contacted me a while back and told me he was sorry i also apoligized because it was mainly my fault and he shouldn't of had too... so for the first time on monday i saw him and we both hugged and were smiling like idiots because to be honest i missed him heaps and heaps.
the other night we were sitting in his room playing halo and just talking; and let be honest a tiny bit drunk, not even tipsy just the warm happy feeling drunk; when he leaned over and gave me a kiss. not on the cheek or the forehead but on the mouth. now i didn't expect this at all but for some reason my brain kinda switched off, and well.. ahem stuff happened.

now neither of us are in a relationship so that sides all cool, the weird thing is it kinda wasn't awkward in the morning which i thought to be weird... so please if anyone could help.

does anyone want to give me advice because it would be appreciated and now im just overly worrying.
January 13th, 2011 at 03:29pm