Trying to lose weight.... again

Okay, so last time I kind of got distracted with everything thats going on with school and i gained more weight and I really need to lose this weight to be a healthy person. I also made this my new years resolution and I am determined to do it! This time I'm setting my goal in the form of a dress I want to fit in by the end of summer. I plan on doing this by avoiding high fructose corn syrup, a lot of sodium and sugar, and exercising.

Day: 1


Exercises: Played Wii Fit for 40 minutes (I highly recommend this game)

Breakfast: 3/4 cup of Maple & Brown Sugar Life and 1/4 cup of Milk
Snack: Homemade Whoopie Pie
Lunch: 2 cups of homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Snack: Kashi Cranberry & Walnut Granola Bar
Dinner: 1 Ruben Sandwich, 5 Tater tots, and 2 tablespoons of Coleslaw

Height: 5' 4 1/2"

To fit into at least a large of this dress:
Dress Url
January 13th, 2011 at 05:44pm