You're so funny. Really. That's why I'm laughing so hard. Oh, I'm not laughing?

^Huh. Funny story. I guess you're really not that amusing. And/or you just seriously offended me.

Ugh. We had to do this...activity in class, where we get a list of 25 people and we have to go through the list and pick 10 people that, if we were immigration, we'd allow into to the US. My teacher, apparently being under the delusion that we're all capable of intelligent debate, decided to spend the whole class talking about it.
Not a smart plan.
I was already semi annoyed because nobody was grasping the concept that if you let all the poor people in, you've got to let some rich people in to balance it economically.
And then they started generalizing. And that's about when I started hating people.
So we had this African family, right? And here were their reasons for letting them in "They're African. Everyone in that country is a sad, orphaned, starving little baby.' (They were African American, too. Way to generalize your own race.)
So, fine. They're all starving orphan babies. We'll let them in. Enter fake smile on my face and irratation on the inside.
Then we got to a couple from Baghdad. This time, the reason for not letting them in 'They're like...Middle Eastern. We're bombing the Middle East. So everyone there is a terrorist who wants revenge.' (I understand so much better why we're in this war, now.)
I attempted to rebut this y'know, logically. As in 'Saying all Muslims are terrorists is the same as saying all Americans act like the ones on Jersey Shore.'
That's when, after I informed that Muslims and Jews are the main religions of the Middle East (They didn't understand my comparision), they decided that all Jews are terrorists too. With a smiling, condescending face.
Hi, I'm Jewish. And I was pissed.
Luckily, my teacher noticed and realized that this really wasn't going the best. So she ended it, the bell rang...and I'm probably not going to talk to most of the people in my class anymore.
Gah, I hate generalizations. And people who can't comprehend logic.
January 14th, 2011 at 01:51am