Im Gerard (AGAIN <3), Mikey <3, and Frank!

( ) You're born in April
( ) You've been addicted to alcohol and/or drugs
( ) You're a born leader
(x) You love drawing and you do it well
(x) You love singing
(x) You don't take sh** from anyone
(x) You're afraid of needles
( ) You call your friends with their last names instead of their names (only a couple ^^)
(x) You've got siblings and you love them
( ) You're the oldest child

( ) You're born in July
(x) You play the guitar
( ) You've got a scar on your head
( ) You can't swim
( ) You've got a FRO!!!
( ) You're 6'1"
( ) You're shy
(x) You wear contact lenses
( ) You're called mastermind or the quiet geneius
(x) People do/used to laugh at You

( ) You're born in September
( ) You play bass
(x) You've got asthma
( ) You're near-sightened
(x) You wear glasses
(x) You feel an urge to stick a fork into a toaster
( ) You're seen as the lil kid/brother/sister of your family or mates
( ) You're the youngest sibling
(x) You're the skinniest in your group of friends
(x) You've put a heater IN the shower

( ) You're born in October
(x) You're the hyperest of your group
(x) You rattle on your guitar
( ) You're short
(x) You love tattoos AND piercing
( ) You're younger than all your friends
( ) You think homophobia is gay
( )You mess with your friend's head
(x) You are seen as immature
(x)You always have a pair of fingerless gloves on.

( ) You're born in December
( ) You don't talk much
( ) You're born in a different part of the country, according to your friends
( ) You hate people filming you (always look so stupid -.-)
( ) You prefer cats to dogs
( ) You play drums
( ) One of your friends messes with your head
( ) You are constantly irritated with one of your friends (but I love 'em anyway)
( ) You're scary when serious
(x) You zone out a lot
Im Gerard (AGAIN <3), Mikey <3, and Frank!
January 15th, 2011 at 01:08am