okay, so I need some serious advice, but NONE of my friends are available to talk and I need someone to talk to NOW.

Okay, so, I play Magic (a card game) and then, there are tournaments every Friday in a town closeby to mine. I go there with my friend (who got me into the game) and me and my sister are, like the only girls there with a bunch of guys.

And so, like...there's this guy that I talk to every time I go there, and sometimes its truly a lot. Like, last night, we talked basically the whole time me and my sister and my friend were there.

And then today, he tells my sister he likes me and my sister tells me everything he's saying and stuff. And then, to confirm my sister ISN'T lying, he tells me himself.

And, ya know, he's really cool, and I think I like him. I mean, I'm not 100% sure, but I think I do. He's really nice and kind and I can talk to him about anything and feel really comfortable.

But there's a problem.

He's 22 and I'm only 14.

And I konw that that's like, super wierd and stuff, but I really dont know... I just... I'm so...confused?? Yea, that seems like a good word to use.

Any advice, please??
January 15th, 2011 at 09:34pm