Follow your head, not your heart .

Hi all.(:
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
What are you all doing right now? Do I seem stalkish? Good!
I'm watching my husband on T.V. - Spongebob.<3
He's so cute, and amazingly funny. ^^

So, I was in the gym a while ago training, because I'm going to be a wrestler.
Yes I said wrestler. I want to be a superstar one day, and It's amazing at the things you can accomplish in such little time.(:
I always say to follow your head, not your heart, because your heart is what always gets broken, but every since I've followed my head, I've been on a roll!

I know I sound cheesy right now, but I'm very dramatic when It comes to things like this.
Some people don't understand though, they just don't care!
You ever met someone like that? I've met millions of people like that! ( Hypothetically. )

But anyways..
I need to stop going on about this!(:
But you will be seeing me often, hope you know that.<3
Hope we'll all be friends!
Kay, bye.

January 15th, 2011 at 11:26pm