Synyster Gates is a self-esteem booster.

So, I totally have to share the dream I had last night because it's definitely one of the most creative things my mind has come up with in a WHILE. Lately my dreams have been a little weird, and about once a week for the past month random musicians have popped up in them just randomly. If you haven't guessed already, last nights guest star was none other than Synyster Gates.

Let's get on to the dream shall we?

The first half of my dream is totally unimportant, to you anyways, because the people in it you wouldn't know and I don't want to spend a whole journal talking about them anyways. But I will mention that in the first half one of the dudes I know was leaving to join the army or going away to some sort of academy and I was over at his house sobbing he was about to go and he had a MASSIVE ton load of gameboy color games, and said I could borrow them. I melted <3 xD

In the dream, my mind came up with this theory/myth that pine trees are ugly because they are confused. They have the potential to be beautiful, and colorful, and bud flowers just like dogwood trees, but they don't because they have low self confidence because no-one compliments them.

I walk out into the yard, pondering over this theory on why pine trees are so ugly, and I am surrounded by baby pines (about two feet tall) as far as I can see. So, I sit down and just start talking to one [a tree] saying "Y'know, you're not so bad, you're actually kinda cute." And the little tree kind of shakes, then giggles, and a rose pops out of it. Yes, the tree giggled. And me being totally surprised, I don't say anything else, and the rose on the pine goes away. :O sad, I know.

Enter Synyster Gates, Stage Left

So, I look up, and over in front of me to my left a little to the side, is Synyster Gates standing in what looks like a man-made pond, up to his waist, shirtless, carrying a baby pine tree, and talking to it saying things like "That shade of green looks really nice on you" and "What type of music do you like, y'know, I'm in a band" - and the tree talks back to him! (Like on the Wizard of Oz, except these trees are friendly and cute.) And while he's talking to the tree, boosting it's self confidence it starts to bloom all these lovely flowers. And I was just like sweet dear goodness, WTF??

Dream me was totally weirded out, but now that I think back on it, it was actually kind of sweet. (And y'know, AWESOME because he was shirtless AND quite literally a tree hugger,which may or may not be becoming a turn on for me...) xD I told a friend about the dream and she said that it would make for a great movie, and I said yeah Summer of the Pines: A lovely tale where one man's love for trees is finally returned.... Sevenfold. I would totally watch that.

So, yeah. Synyster Gates totally gives baby pine trees self confidence. :P

Who else has had any weird dreams lately? I wanna hear them! :D
January 16th, 2011 at 05:43pm