
I am a firm believer that there are ghosts, spirits, paranormal, whatever you would like to call it. I am a firm believer. I think that Ouija boards work, I think that people can even contact them by closing there eyes and all that hocus pocus.

Anyways, I played with the Ouija board when I was at my cousin's house about a month or two ago. Freaky shit. Especially when I would ask them if they knew my name they would say April. Everyone calls me April because that is my mom's name and to everyone I look like my mom. So when I asked why they called me April they said I looked like my mom then went all and answered all my questions I had about my family; they were all answered correct.

So this person that was communicating with us is my cousin's guardian angel has been ever since my aunt found out she was pregnant and told us the story about how she told my cousin's father. That story was true too.

So now I'm home and I'm noticing things. My cell phone would end up on my desk instead of charging on my bed. I would go hours looking for something, give up on looking and it would end up right beside me. My dad had a full conversation while he was on the computer with me but I was in my room wondering who he was talking to. My dog and cat follow things around the house.

So when people say ghosts will attach on to you when you play with the Ouija board, believe them. They will follow you home and misplace all of your things and have conversations with your parents.

I don't care that there may be a ghost in my house, the only thing that bugs me is that it could watch me undress or take a shower. Freaky. o.O
January 17th, 2011 at 01:59am