The Idiotic Fascination of Girls When It Involves the Opposite Sex

Some girls on mibba, I think, are not very intelligent. They really aren't. This is pretty much solely based on one thing, but I think it's pretty valid.

Every time a guy joins, girls flock to his profile and "comment rape" him. Wow. Hilarious. I just love how they've even come up with a title to it. Honestly, these girls give the rest of the gender a bad name - they really do. I've always loved -okay, not all the time, but the majority of the time- being of the female gender, but times like this, when other girls make the rest of us look like total idiots, I just want to shoot myself in the foot.

Girls, really. Just because you go and comment on his profile and act all flirty doesn't mean he's going to go out with you. You can say you're just being friendly all you want, but when I joined, not a single person welcomed me to mibba. So really, being friendly isn't a great excuse, all things considering. And okay, yes, sometimes, the unthinkable does happen: a girl and a guy meet on mibba, and they "date".

It happened to my best friend. And what happened? He died two days ago in a car accident and she was crushed, and the last thing he had said to her way, "I love you, m'lady. I'll talk to you later." At eight fifty-three that night, she had a bad feeling in her stomach. She felt something bad was going to happen. Not even an hour and a half later, she's texted me, saying he's gone, he's gone. His best friend, our friend, Beth told us the news. It sucked. That was a wonderful happy ending, don't you think?

Plus, there was the distance thing. He lived in Louisiana. We live in Texas. Not a lot of visiting hours going on, now are there? Obviously not. It's just..... not a good idea.

Plus, if a guy already has, God, I don't know, EIGHTY comments on his stupid profile, WHY WOULD YOU THINK HE NEEDS ANOTHER FIFTY!?!?!?!? Really, girls? I think he gets it! He's welcome! Yippee-ti-yi-yay! HE GETS IT. Y'all don't need to remind him any more. They aren't that dense, to where they can't grasp the concept that they're welcome to mibba.

I also noticed something: y'all only go after guys who are straight or bi. Merely on an, shall we say, independent study, I looked at guys' profiles who were homosexuals to see how many comments they got from chicks - there weren't many, if any, usually, comments. Honestly, I'd rather talk to the gay guy: he won't hit on me and I won't be forced into an awkward/painful experience later on. Another reason why I don't keep friends who are guys anymore. Not without keeping them at two arms' distance, anyway.

You girls... you just.... don't get it. I saw on one guy's profile: "Go whore yourself to someone else because you're all fake and I don't want it." Or some crazy comment like that. Degrading, much? And yet, oh here's the part that eats at me: HE HAS ABOUT EIGHTY COMMENTS ON HIS PROFILE WELCOMING HIM TO THIS SITE. OH MY GOD. FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL. TIMES INFINITY FAIL. Girls who do this: *facepalm facepalm facepalm* I cannot express what is passing through my mind currently except to say that it is not pleasant and has many not nice words that I would love to say but am trying to refrain from doing so.

Do you see my point? Girls: most of the guys aren't interested. They really aren't. You can flirt, laugh, giggle, tease, whatever all you want. But when your little heart gets broken, or he not-so-politely turns you down, really, it is no one's fault but your own. So just leave them alone. If you already see that they have about, say, fifteen or twenty welcomers, just leave it alone. It's not a big deal. They don't need every girl on mibba -need I remind you, some of these guys are in their late teens and early twenties, and some of you are a good 8 or so years younger, which, for all extensive purposes, would be disgusting to date at your current ages- to welcome them to the dang site. They really don't. They're big boys. They can handle themselves.

To bother someone incessantly with welcome comments is like getting an allergic reaction every two hours: extremely annoying and increasingly irritating. Then again, some of them are cocky bastards who don't really need the ego boost. Like I said before, just another reason not to try to befriend them. Not all of them are bad, no. But it's just better not to. Dating and/or flirting, over the internet is just not intelligent.

your lovely cynic,


Or, to some of you, Jess
January 17th, 2011 at 06:39am