Clearer and clearer (WITH QUESTIONS)

I have no rhythm
I have no beat

I stared at wood grain and carpet speckles
And down at my feet

my clam hands were pink
with sweat and displeasure

no oysters with pearls
no shell with the ocean inside

I stared at wood grain and carpet speckles
And down at my feet

I have no rhythm
I have no beat


Ugh. So at church I've been having to lead the whole congregation in song. I don't like it very much, because everyone is looking at me as I TRY to keep rhythm.
Rhythm is my worst area in music.

My mom was like "but you sing and play piano in front of people"

I do, but that's different. I don't have to look at anyone, I can just look ahead at the rest of the piano. I don't have to know that everyone is staring at me.

Thankfully and hopefully, I won't have to lead music anymore.

I wrote a new song the other day. It's called "Clearer". It's kind of about needing to take a road trip to clear your mind, and just kinda relax, because it's the time of year when you can.
You can find the lyrics under my poem section.


Last week, they canceled school because it snowed here. I live in the South so they aren't used to it.

I sledded down the cul de sac last monday with the neighbors.
It was the first time I had in two years.

It was soooo fun.

I love the snow.
I kind of don't understand why my friends here don't, but I guess it's because they've lived in the South their whole lives.

I lived in Minnesota until I was nine. I have fond childhood memories of the snow. I think it is absolutely beautiful.

You awake on a Winter morning, to find virgin snow outside your bedroom window.
You and your siblings or friends bundle up in snow gear, and make your tracks and footprints through the cool, white atmosphere.

You build snow forts and snowmen.
You tunnel through the snow gathered at the edge of the yard by the snow plows.
Your brother nails you in the face with an icy snowball and you cry and it bites pink at your cheeks, but then your sister gets back at him for you.

Your parents bring you and your siblings to a great sledding hill.
It's near a school and you smile with toilet humor as the hill reminds you of a toilet bowl.
Many other parents have gathered here with their children...sledding down, then treking back up again.

You and your siblings either sled courteously, or you take over the hill ~National Lampoon-style~.

After it all, when your cheeks are beginning to be frostbitten because you didn't cover them up well enough, you go inside and sip hot chocolate and warm yourself next to the hearth.
Then, you sit and watch some cartoon with your siblings, or some Nickelodeon sitcom.

And it has been a great day.



1. Do you like snow?
2. Have you lived/ do you live somewhere where it snows?
3. Have you ever seen the show "The Adventures of Pete and Pete"? It was on nickelodeon in the 90s.
4. Who loves orange soda!???!
5. Did you ever watch "Even Stevens" with Shia LaBeouf when it was on Disney Channel?


my answers

1. of course
2. yes, Minnesota
3. yes. I have them on DVD. i love that show
4. Kel loves orange soda!!
5. yessss that was like my favorite Disney Channel show.

January 17th, 2011 at 05:56pm