How to ramble about school on a Monday morning.

I'm not quite sure why I'm awake before 10 when today is MLK Day and we have no school. (woot!) But once I dragged myself out of bed, the answer hit me like a ton of bricks.
Yes, homework. That evil evil little bitch. >_<
My fucktruck load of homework comes entirely from my World Lit II Honors class. And my teacher for that is also my teacher for drama. So I see her twice a day.
Speaking of drama, I'm the only frosh in that class. It's a long story, which is why I'm going to tell it now, to avoid the evil eye from my notes that need to be completed.

Basically, I started out the school year in choir. And let me tell you something. The choir teacher at my school kinda sucks. I might be a bit spoiled, since I had one of the best junior high choir teachers you could ask for, but I'm not the only one with this opinion. He had us using workbooks to learn the ways to open your mouth for vowels, for crying out loud. So I went over to my lovely counselor and said, Hey! I would like to transfer to drama, without switching up my schedule, because I love all my other classes!
The only open Drama I class is during my lunch, which means I would have to switch from 11/12 lunch to 14/15 lunch. And NO ONE has 14/15 lunch.

Quick detour: My school operates on mods instead of periods. Confusing, I know, but here's how it goes
1/2 = 1st
4/5 = 2nd
6/7 = 3rd
9/10 = 4th
11/12 = 5th
14/15 = 6th
16/17 = 7th
19/20 = 8th
What about mods 3, 8, and 18, you ask? Well those are "swing mods" and are added onto certain classes on certain days to make them longer or shorter.
Basically, my school schedule is awesome. We have no bells and we pick and choose our classes/teachers. Yeah. Pretty kickass.
Detour over.

Anyway. Where was I?
Oh, right.
I had started out with Choir during 14/15, and I wanted to see if I could put my Drama class in that same slot. But...
The Drama class during 14/15 is Advanced Drama, which is mostly seniors and then a few juniors. Keep in mind, the last time I had Drama was in elementary school, and the last time I had drama was when the guy I liked lied to about half the freshman class.
But that's another story.
Another handy detail is that the Drama teacher (I'll continue to call her Ms. B) is also the head of the VPA department. (Visual/Performing Arts.) So, she has the authority and the power to switch me from Choir to Drama.
And for some crazy reason that I still do not know to this day, she let me switch into Advanced Drama.

Don't get me wrong. I love the class. It's amazing and fun and I'm doing really well.
I don't feel welcomed.
Like I said, the class is full of seniors and a scattering of juniors, many of whom started out freshman year in Drama I, working their way up to Advanced Drama. A whole fucktruck load of them have been doing this since elementary school. Basically, I'm the freshman who just got in here with pure luck.
I got a drunk text from one of my very few friends in the class (happens a lot) and he said something along the lines of...
Everyone hates you because you got in here as a freshman with no experience before... You didn't have to work like we did... Everyone expected you to be awful and you'd get kicked out, but they all hate you now because you're actually doing really well...

See my problem?
At least most of them are graduating this year and I won't have to worry about them...


So, yeah. That was my wonderful story about the social hierarchy of high school.
Seniors, why can't you at least attempt to be nice to the freshmen?

Ah, the smell of freshly ground coffee beckons to me from the kitchen. My parents are awake.
Yay food...

Bye guys! :D Hope your week is great!

(not sure why I wrote this...)
January 17th, 2011 at 05:59pm