
I have recently found out i am lesbian...i mean i knew for a long time but at that point in my life i liked the looks of guys but any other way i didn't like them but being true to myself i like girls all the way no doubt about it but i am having trouble..
My girlfriend Krystal..we have been going out for 3 months now but we have been having trouble... in total we have broken up 6 times bad but every time we got back together in matter of days. every time she would say she didn't like me like that that she loved me like a friend but i found out she was miserable and that she did love me more than a friends so we got back together Cause honestly i cant live without her. and another time she said i didn't make her happy, that she wanted to be single but in that short amount of time when we saw each other we acted like we was together. we still hugged, kissed, and all that. then we got back together... but the last time she said it was over completely and i believed her and well i carved HATE into my arm....
that was the first time i cut in well forever... it hit me and i couldn't deal with the pain and i didn't know what else to do... but we got back together once again.. we where happy :) but i found out her step mom hated me for cutting and didn't want Krystal around me anymore.
:( and i know her step mom and she used to love me and said we was good together...i knew her before i ever knew Krystal... but last night Krystal text me and was like my step mom doesn't want me around you (Cause she was suppost to come to my house today to spend time with me) and then she was like i will always have my family but relationships dint always last...i asked her if it was over and she said she didn't know what she wanted she said it wasn't over but it hurts that she doesn't know if she wants me or not!!

and she stopped texting me then she text me this morning and i asked her if we where going to talk about it but she said no and i asked why, but all she would say is cause then told me bye she will text me later. and that isn't normal Cause we text everyday all the time..

and everyone tells me she is just using me, but i always tell them they are lying that she loves me. i know she does but i cant help but feel that maybe I'm not what she wants anymore..

and i dont want to let her go either. she is the only person who got my heart from me. i actually love her. and she makes me smile all the time..i used to really never smile...and she completes me i am truely happy with her... i fell completely in love with her every time i see her i fall more and more in love with her and not to mention she gives me butterflies in my tummy every time i see her too
and the things she says makes me blush:) and she really amazes me too with everything she does

but with the point of this i need help i dont know what to do my heart has got hurt a lot but i cant let her go i love her too much
so does anyone know what i could do??
January 17th, 2011 at 09:33pm