Plauge of Humanity

Humanity in its own nature is the root of all evil. Through human kind spawns the disasters of this world such as: war, homicide, suicide, rape, and the list could go on forever. We create these horrors through just our simple existence.
People try to cling to religion in search for hope or a way to escape these horrors that we made. Religion was just a way that some person somewhere in history had tried to influence others to do as he chooses. Each religion has a set of laws or morals that it sets up and expects its followers to maintain. These rules are simple to follow yet for some reason no one can follow them. The Ten Commandments that the Christians follow are simple yet Christians are always breaking them. They kill, steal, lust, and lie to one another. Not singling them out but everyone is guilty of breaking a rule that they consider a divine law. People claim that it is because of the fall of Satan which caused the world to be the way it is.
A person’s nature cannot be changed. If you are making fun of people for looking different or messing up you will always be like that. One dramatic event like the fall of Satan cannot change a person’s nature.
Does this mean that religion is a lie? No it does not; but it makes it that much harder to believe. Christians claim that their religion is the way to heaven by believing in a man/god named Jesus. Yet the ones who profess this message (pastors) are frequently accused of touching or having sex with underage children. Those actions tarnish the message they’re trying to get across.
The only way to cure the horrors of man is to be completely removed from the earth. That is why it is humorous to see peace activists try and fight for a better world, when all they’re doing is fighting a losing battle. The Nazi’s slaughtered any and all who stood in their path. If it happened once it can happen again. We are like a parasite to this planet, but one day the planet will be cleansed. Not by some religious factor but by some bigger force then ourselves. Giving us what we so righteously deserve.
January 18th, 2011 at 12:08am