The Annoying Renters in My Apartment Complex...

OK, so, this couple moved into an apartment at the very end of my upstairs. They've been there for maybe...3 months. Complete n00bs to our apartments and the people who live here.
So, tonight, an old friend of ours comes back to his apartment(He's been gone due to his military job, or something like that....) He OWNS his apartment...
A couple of his friends come here to welcome him back. One lady decided to park in a space she remembered to be empty. No one lived there last time she was here.
But, the couple who RENTS that place comes home... They find that their designated parking space has been taken up...
The girl out of the couple comes down to the area where everyone is hanging out, having a good time, and says "I'm not trying to start anything, but someone parked in our spot."
The lady who parked there says "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know someone moved in down there. I'll go move right now." She was being EXTREMELY polite about it, but, the girl isn't seeing her politeness and proceeds to be very rude and says "No, no. You don't have to move. I'm just saying, I don't want to start anything. We just got home, and someones in our spot. We've been here for five months, and you people haven't been around in forever!"
One: She doesn't know any of us.
Two: Tyler owns his apartment. He can come and go as he pleases.
Three: This chick and her boyfriend are being douches... Probably drunk.
Four: They call the police.
Five: If they would come out of their apartment a little more often, they'd know that one of Tyler's friends IS a cop... and he's there for the whole event.
January 18th, 2011 at 07:18am