Christofer Drew

Is Christofer Drew a sellout?
That's the question that bugs me the most. Ever since his 'What Is Love' album came out, I'm pretty sure we all noticed some changes in him. We all said everything changes and he changed for better or for worse. We didn't care he was Christofer Drew Ingle, as his fans we supported him through thick and thin.
Later, came the 'Harmony' album and things were different from what we are used to hearing from Chris Drew. His voice was some what altered so that his friends could join in with the singing.The 'CheaterCheaterBestFriendEater' we heard before the album was really different sound related. It was more up beat. I wondered why this change happened, but I never really cared so I just went with it. I appreciated the music he made, I was happy he even made music. I came across a article on Mibba about Christofer, it was called, 'Is He Really A Sellout?' That's when I started wondering what his fans think. So I read the comments and I myself commented on the article. The article had a link to a behind the scene, of his photoshoot and below that was some comments, it was intersting to see what some of his so-called fans had to say about Christofer. In an interview he stated that, When he heard his fans thought that his 'What Is Love' album wasn't up to their full expectations, he went back made the 'Harmony' album more for the fans then for him.

Honestly, in my opinon I don't think he's not sold out yet, he will always be the kind hearted Christofer Drew Ingle we love. I will follow him through whatever happens. True fans are in love with his music more than him. We don't really know what's happening.

So, this is my opinon please leave a comment telling what you think. Is he selling out?
January 18th, 2011 at 01:56pm