Was Your Weekend Boring? Mine = F*cked! [&Questions at end]

Mine was wild! I was at my friends house and we went up into her brothers room to smoke weed. She told everyone this was my first time using a bong then this kid (D*) I knew since 5th grade asked me if I wanted to use a gas mask to smoke, he showed me the mask a few days before. It looked fun so I said yes. When I took it off and everyone was congratulating me They were like "She didn't even cough" "She's beast" and then D said something like, "Dude, Amber, this was her first time hitting a bong and she used the gas mask. You're straight p*ssy. She ripped it!" After he said that she said she'd try it.

Before it was even hooked up to the bong she started getting worried and D told her to "Just do it. I honestly think the only reason she tried was to impress D... she likes him. When she started smoking D was like "Come on! If you start to feel claustrophobic breathe out!" Then she ripped off the mask. D went downstairs and got her brother and when he got upstairs he told him that Amber p*ssied out and ripped off the gas mask but it was my first time even smoking a bong and I did it pro. Her brother was making fun of her and after that she said she'd try it again. That time she tried ripping the mask off again but D wouldn't let her. When she was done she was all proud but D still was criticizing her and told her not to try and rip the mask off next time.

I did it a few more times and when I was in the middle of a hit they were joking around and saying it would suck it my friends dad came upstairs. My mind frame must have still been on them joking because all of a sudden D was pulling the mask off my head but then it was stuck in my hair. My friend was trying to gently get it out but everyone else was either sitting there in shock or were freaking out because her dad really was coming up the stairs and is a prick. If he caught me with the mask on he would have probably threw me across the room so then D came over and ripped the mask straight out of my hair. It didn't hurt or anything. I'm not quite sure if it didn't hurt because I was so high, or if it was because I'm so used to my hair being pulled (not sexually.)

I died laughing once her dad left the house (he doesn't live there.) What happened hadn't really clicked until he was gone and this one kid imitated what D did which was hilarious and we were all laughing. The only one who happened not to was D, maybe because he felt bad, or maybe because he was the only one who wasn't high. That whole incident got me back to reality a little bit. After her dad left D went downstairs. It felt like he was gone forever and I just wanted him to come back up. Once he did he handed me a hair brush and kept apologizing over and over. At one point he said it looked like I wanted to kill him but I didn't even care, I was just glad he cared.

This is where sh*t got really bad (for me.) For some reason I couldn't talk, like at all. Then I finally had enough of being thirsty and I got up to go downstairs and get a drink. But, when I got halfway across the room my friend gave me a hug (I think, I don't really remember) Thankfully there was a garbage right near the top of the stairs because once I got there I threw up. I heard someone say my name and someone else ask if I threw up. Then someone (I think it was my friend) said "I never saw someone throw up from smoking before!"

M was nagging at Amber and told her to get me a glass of water. Then, when Amber was already getting it M asked if I wanted one then said something like "One time when I smoked at the trail at school I threw up and crawled back up the trail. All I was thinking at that point was I really want a glass of water." This part I vaguely remember, and don't know if he even said it at all, but when I was done throwing up and was sitting down again D was saying how he one time before school he smoked and then threw up in the doorway on his way out the door. There was more to the story but the only other part I can think of is him saying he ended up having to walk to school.

For a while after that I don't remember anything until my friends brother coming back upstairs. M told him to take out the garbage and he was like "I didn't throw up I ain't taking it out." Then M was like "It's your room and your house. She obviously isn't going to be taking it out anytime soon so do it." He seemed a little mad and D said seriously "Leave Kris alone" but then after he was joking around about it and said it the way Chris Crocker said "Leave Britney alone!" And this one kid was like "What the f*ck?" and D couldn't believe the kid never heard of that before so he showed him the video. Then, whenever someone new came upstairs he'd use their name and say it.

When my friends brother came back and put a new bag in the garbage he didn't seem mad anymore. He was like "Damn Wilda beast you really did rip that mask."
(My nickname in 7th grade was Wilda Beast because I am wild when I'm mad. That's what him, D, and D's brother called me. They also called my best friend in 7th grade Wilda Beast # 2, but stopped because they called her it because of her hair and now she straightens her hair.)

At some point D and my friends brother were talking about something called CMT- Cash Money and T something. It may have just been t or maybe it was trade. But I think it was the name of their drug dealing system. I was shocked. D said something like "Once you're in it's hard to get out." Then a little later M said something and the guy who was imitating what D did and made everyone laugh, like flipped out on her and my friends brother didn't do anything to stop him. After them talking about Cash Money T I think I was like tweaking because I thought that guy was the leader of it and if any of them did something wrong he would f*ck them up. It was just so weird. Then I thought of like a week ago when my friend said he's an asshole but a good drug deal and a couple days after that when I met him for the first time. He was being a complete dick to M and had her in a hold that cops do to people and she was begging him to stop. Then her boyfriend was like "Come on man, come on. Leave her alone."

But I think there's something going on in my town, this past year it's gotten so much worse. There only used to be weed but now teens use heroin, coke, and meth on a daily basis as well. Maybe I was just baked and blew the whole CMT out of proportion.

The last thing I remember before going downstairs was these 4 people came up to the room and when they did D left. One of the people looked younger than me, like 13 maybe even barely 14, the next one I caught staring at me whenever I looked over even though he was talking to someone else, another looked like the guy who was staring at me, and the last one was a girl who was pregnant. The guy who looked like the one who was staring at him (I'm going to call him guy 2) was sitting on the bed and he told the girl to "come here please." And she sat on this thing in front of the bed. Once again, maybe I was blowing things out of proportion because I was stoned but it seemed like the girl was afraid of him. Out of the new group of 4 people she was the only one not smoking (I was glad because no pregnant woman should) but she just seemed completely uncomfortable especially when guy 2 started smoking the gas mask and coughed.

After, the young kid took D's empty spot next to me and began smoking the mask. It seemed like they were going in a line because guy 1 moved to the chair diagonal me and smoked it next. My friends brother seemed excited when guy 1 was putting the mask on and looked at me for a second then said "This mask fucks you up!" He coughed a lot and I think he tried making himself stop because it sounded like it. Seeing them smoke it is what really made me believe I ripped the mask because they coughed and didn't seem to handle it where as I did. I think that's why Amber really wanted to do it; to impress D.

At some point Amber came upstairs and told me to come downstairs and I finally was able to move. We went in her room and she passed out pretty much as soon as her head hit the pillow. A little later D walked in and was like, "There you are, stoner," then left. In the morning before my friend woke up I was really paranoid and nervous. I thought she was going to hate me for throwing up and I was embarrassed (but didn't dare show it.) However, when she woke up she imitated what D did and said it was an awesome night. I felt 1000x better. She was like "I can't believe you threw up!" and "You went comatose (that means you can't move while high.)"

Today, I found out I didn't throw up from smoking though. I'm legit sick. At least tomorrow when I go over I can tell everyone and redeem myself. At least they don't hate on me for throwing up, but I still feel the need to redeem myself. I don't know if it's pride or what, but I just feel like I do.


1.) How was your weekend?
2.) Have you ever smoked?
3.) Ever felt pressured to do something you don't want to (like my friend?)
4.) After being pressured into doing something did you feel better after you did it or worse?
5.) Do you think my friend smoked the mask just to impress D? Why else do you think she did it?
6.) What happened on your funnest weekend ever?
7.) Did you have school Monday?
January 18th, 2011 at 06:23pm