Not off to a good start.

So today was the first day back at school for me and well so far it has sucked pretty badly. Before school started my boss called me to let me know that I may not have a job. But guess what I have been doing since 9 am this morning...working. Yeah go figure. I don't know why but no one will tell me what's going on. I mean they won't tell me if they will still be able to use me this semester. So I have been working all day without really knowing about a job. I mean if they can't pay me I was going to go today to look for another job. So I am pretty much screwed. I hate the unknown. I need a plan.

Then also today my "friend" who just ignored me for like 6 months decided that she wanted to be friends again. I just can't believe it. I feel like screaming because she just treated me like crap. Not to mention she is the ex-girlfriend of one of my closest guy friend and she ended up really hurting him.

After the day that I have had (and the last week that I have had) I just want to be in my bed and cry. Actually I just want to cry. I hate everything that is going on right now.
January 18th, 2011 at 09:17pm