Venting; pep band and boyfriend;

so I had pep band tonight and we had to play for two games meaning we were there for FOUR freaking hours!! It was ridiculous! I never want to hear one more modern day pop song played by a high school concert band AGAIN! I'll shoot myself I SWEAR!

That and my boy friend is down about something and I respect his privacy but all the time he tells me he's bothered by something and he all the time he avoids telling me what's up. Now I know some people don't know how to vent here feelings but his happiness is he mos important thing to me and to see and hear him like that KILLS me! I wish he'd be a bit more open; it's been seven months and he can't tell I'm just a little pissed of about blah blah blah...

I love him to death and just need him happy; is that too much to ask for?);

Thanks for reading dudes; I felt like a vent was needed. I wasn't home a all today, cooped up in that damn school! Well, good night(;
January 19th, 2011 at 06:54am